Membership Information
Membership is open to all members of the general public who have surf life saving as an interest. Membership shall be granted after a probationary period. All new and renewing Members are subject to the same qualifying period of examination.
The BOM will review all probationary and renewal membership and acceptance shall only be granted by completing the appropriate registration forms, payment of appropriate fees and by resolution of the BOM.
Members will not be entered on Surfguard until the proscribed membership form has been completed in full and the Seasons fees have been paid. Until these conditions have been completed then membership will be deemed to have lapsed and as such Members will be unable to use club facilities, equipment, and gymnasium or attend any Patrol or Club training sessions.
Any member who has resigned from the Club shall automatically have their name removed from the register of members and refunds may be made.
Any Member in arrears in any respect cannot renew their Membership until such arrears have been paid in full, nor shall they be granted a clearance to any other Club.
Junior Activity - 5-12 years of age
A Junior Activity Member shall be a person who is a minimum of 5 years of age (as at 30 Sept) and a maximum age of 12 years and such person shall be required to gain the relevant surf education certificate for that person’s age group.
Use of Club equipment relative to the age group is permitted. Use of gymnasium, committee positions and voting rights are not permitted.
Cadet - 13-15 years of age
A Cadet Member shall be a Member of the age qualification as defined in SLSA’s Manuals and who has obtained the Surf Rescue Certificate (SRC) or has passed an annual proficiency test.
Use of Club equipment relative to the age group is permitted. Use of gymnasium, committee positions and voting rights are not permitted.
Active - 15-18 years of age
Active Members are those members over the age of 15 years who hold or are training to obtain the Surf Life Saving Australia Bronze Medallion. Active Members’ duties include:
- fulfilling Patrol and Club obligations; and
- qualifying in the annual Proficiency test unless the Member has obtained their Bronze Medallion in that Season.
Use of Club equipment relative to the age group is permitted. Use of gymnasium is only permitted once the member has attained the age of 16 years, committee positions and voting rights are permitted.
Active - 18 years and over
Active Members are those members over the age of 18 years who hold or are training to obtain the Surf Life Saving Australia Bronze Medallion. Active members’ duties include:
- fulfilling Patrol and Club obligations; and
- qualifying in an annual proficiency test unless the Member has obtained their Bronze Medallion in that Season.
- Provide a current DCSI/WWCC to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Use of Club equipment inclusive of gymnasium, committee positions and voting rights are permitted.
Award membership may be granted by the Club to any person who holds an SLSA award of one, or more, of the following qualifications:
- Surf Rescue Certificate, Radio Award(s), Resuscitation Certificate, Advanced Resuscitation Certificate or First Aid Certificate (or equivalent).
- 18+ must provide a current DCSI/WWCC to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Such Members may be called upon to perform patrol and/or other Club obligations, within the ability of their qualifications.
Use of Club equipment relative to the award is permitted. Use of gymnasium, committee positions and voting rights are not permitted, however the BOM may grant an Award Member voting rights to the Club if they are undertaking life saving patrol duties.
- Associate membership may be granted by a Club to persons who may or may not hold an SLSA Award.
- Associate Members shall not have Club voting rights unless elected to office or position, which is provided with voting rights, by this constitution.
- 18+ must provide a current DCSI/WWCC to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Use of Club equipment is not permitted. Use of gymnasium, committee positions and voting rights are not permitted.
- A participant who may wish to attend social events and other non-competitive activities.
- Community member shall have privileges as determined by the Club from time to time.
- Community member shall be able to assist with volunteer roles within and around the Club and must adhere to all SLSA Rules and Regulations.
- 18+ must provide a current DCSI/WWCC to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Use of Club equipment is not permitted. Use of gymnasium, committee positions and voting rights are not permitted.